A hearty dose of diet advice, from a non-doctor :)
Wouldnt you rather be called a "Healer" than a "Doctor"? One of my sisters is in medical school right now, but she is so busy studying that she never has the time to read this...so I can talk trash about the medical industry without worrying about revenge from her.
A horrible diet is promoted in this society to keep you sick AND broke. Dont forget that one. BROKE and tied to the wage-slave system.
Some doctors need for you to have heart problems. Some want you to have bad skin. Maybe not YOU directly, but they need people coming into their office.
Their mortgage, car, and childrens' tuition payments depend on it. Do you think a cardiologist would really want everyone to become a raw vegan?
And lets not even get into the Pharmaceutical industry right now.
My new friend Grace told me that her nutritionist told her that uncooked food will only burn MUSCLE, and NOT FAT.
Have you heard of this one? This was totally new to me. I havent looked in the books, but something tells me that it is completely ABSURD and LAUGHABLE.
This man thrives on 100% raw vegan nutrition. Mostly greens.
This photo is from We Like it Raw.com Check out the interview here.
And just to reiterate from my own personal experience:

I was doing superfood smoothies and green smoothies everyday. Doing elliptical in the morning, and weights and a little more elliptical at night. I watched TV or listened to audio books while working out to multi-task. I dont think the raw food was breaking down muscle.
Now I really want to get a tan. Damn.
So...LESSON? Look at the person giving you advice. Advice is cheap and seconds are served happily. Big...sloppy...and usually worthless. Dish it up, baby!
Wouldnt you rather be called a "Healer" than a "Doctor"? One of my sisters is in medical school right now, but she is so busy studying that she never has the time to read this...so I can talk trash about the medical industry without worrying about revenge from her.
A horrible diet is promoted in this society to keep you sick AND broke. Dont forget that one. BROKE and tied to the wage-slave system.
Some doctors need for you to have heart problems. Some want you to have bad skin. Maybe not YOU directly, but they need people coming into their office.
Their mortgage, car, and childrens' tuition payments depend on it. Do you think a cardiologist would really want everyone to become a raw vegan?
And lets not even get into the Pharmaceutical industry right now.
My new friend Grace told me that her nutritionist told her that uncooked food will only burn MUSCLE, and NOT FAT.
Have you heard of this one? This was totally new to me. I havent looked in the books, but something tells me that it is completely ABSURD and LAUGHABLE.

This photo is from We Like it Raw.com Check out the interview here.
And just to reiterate from my own personal experience:

I was doing superfood smoothies and green smoothies everyday. Doing elliptical in the morning, and weights and a little more elliptical at night. I watched TV or listened to audio books while working out to multi-task. I dont think the raw food was breaking down muscle.
Now I really want to get a tan. Damn.
So...LESSON? Look at the person giving you advice. Advice is cheap and seconds are served happily. Big...sloppy...and usually worthless. Dish it up, baby!
Hello Anthony,
I enjoy reading your blog. Great posting always.
I was reading some of your old postings and back in June you talked about quantum physics when you are discussing our body being the temple for our soul. I thought it was interesting and you are def. not the only one who approach diet and spirituality from that angle. I know very little on the subject of quantum physics so could you recommend any books or articles for beginners like me? Thank you and you sound/look very RAWsome!