I had every intention to post regularly as I was traveling, but upon discovering the internet
situation in Cambodia (slow connections AND slow computers) and deciding to just live in the moment, I made the choice to just wait till I got back to Hong Kong and pump out some quality posts instead of half-assing it and taking out too much time of the trip.
Attention Everyone...Cambodia...life is here.

I cant recommend going there enough. Especially as a raw foodist, its was just amazing.
Im going to break the posts down by day. I really have so much to share.
Look at the size of that wild coconut in my arms. 40 CENTS!!!!!
Oh yeah...that pile of durians behind me was pretty exciting too :)
(messing around with break-dancing Cambodian kids in Phnom Penh)
Lets just have this post to think about 2008.
No excuses...2008 is going to be the year that you have your great breakthrough.
If not now, when? If not here, where? NOW NOW HERE HERE.
If you need the man's calendar to get you into gear, then so be it.
Embrace that and use it as your fresh start. No more mediocrity though.
Its super-hero time. I'm serious here...Im not accepting excuses. Time to live.
There is no one stopping you, and everyone is at your fingertips for everything you need.
Whether friends through cyberspace or in the physical world...we are here to help.
USE us. USE me. I want to help you become what you are meant for.
Need answers? Motivation? Email me! I might be able to help.
Hearing about your progress and personal growth is my gift.
A gift that I cant buy, which makes it all the more precious.
Live a life worth writing about. PLEASE. This is the moment to start.
Every second is THE moment to start. 2008 is your year. Live it up before its too late.
This Cambodia trip has shown me even more the true beauty in simplicity and
the essential need for traveling and exploration in my life, especially before it becomes too late and expensive to travel abroad because of oil issues.
My mind is clear about what I want to accomplish and experience in 2008, but I must remain open to what the universe leaves in my lap. Have goals, but dont let goals have you.
Nothing but the absolute best for everyone in 2008. May this year bring us closer to full enlightenment of the human species and everlasting peace to all creatures.
Fight WAR, not wars. Nothing but love everyone...Happy New Year.
Its good to be back.
situation in Cambodia (slow connections AND slow computers) and deciding to just live in the moment, I made the choice to just wait till I got back to Hong Kong and pump out some quality posts instead of half-assing it and taking out too much time of the trip.
Attention Everyone...Cambodia...life is here.
I cant recommend going there enough. Especially as a raw foodist, its was just amazing.
Im going to break the posts down by day. I really have so much to share.
Look at the size of that wild coconut in my arms. 40 CENTS!!!!!
Oh yeah...that pile of durians behind me was pretty exciting too :)
Lets just have this post to think about 2008.
No excuses...2008 is going to be the year that you have your great breakthrough.
If not now, when? If not here, where? NOW NOW HERE HERE.
If you need the man's calendar to get you into gear, then so be it.
Embrace that and use it as your fresh start. No more mediocrity though.
Its super-hero time. I'm serious here...Im not accepting excuses. Time to live.
There is no one stopping you, and everyone is at your fingertips for everything you need.
Whether friends through cyberspace or in the physical world...we are here to help.
USE us. USE me. I want to help you become what you are meant for.
Need answers? Motivation? Email me! I might be able to help.
Hearing about your progress and personal growth is my gift.
A gift that I cant buy, which makes it all the more precious.
Live a life worth writing about. PLEASE. This is the moment to start.
Every second is THE moment to start. 2008 is your year. Live it up before its too late.
This Cambodia trip has shown me even more the true beauty in simplicity and
the essential need for traveling and exploration in my life, especially before it becomes too late and expensive to travel abroad because of oil issues.
My mind is clear about what I want to accomplish and experience in 2008, but I must remain open to what the universe leaves in my lap. Have goals, but dont let goals have you.
Nothing but the absolute best for everyone in 2008. May this year bring us closer to full enlightenment of the human species and everlasting peace to all creatures.
Fight WAR, not wars. Nothing but love everyone...Happy New Year.
Its good to be back.
You can argue anything to bend it your way. That arguement will work for anything you do Anthony. Whatever. Tell yourself whatever you want. The people that comment on here will back you up. Just keep telling yourself that you make this hypocritical money to go for some greater cause. If you walk through shit, you will have shit on your shoes.