Sunday, February 28, 2010
Truffle Giveaway Winners, plus another giveaway
Thursday, February 25, 2010
NoniLand Bees and Cacao Garden
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Permaculture Update Feb 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Truffle Giveaway! No joke! Pt 2
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Truffle Giveaway! No joke!

Friday, February 19, 2010
Organic Handmade Cacao Fudge

Conscious Eaters Unite
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Check this Out
I love where this is going. This is from the Fresh Team
We received a huge response to our article, "Why the shift away from veganism in the raw world?" A big thanks to all of you who shared your thoughts and experiences by commenting online - it makes very interesting reading, so do hop on over and check it out if you haven't already.
And thanks also to those of you who wrote to us privately to tell us of your very personal challenges, setbacks and frustrations in trying to find a diet that works for you.
Having read your comments, we decided it was necessary to go into this topic in greater depth. So we asked two experts with extensive knowledge of raw vegan diets - Dr Douglas Graham of and Thomas Billings of - to answer our question, "Is 100% raw vegan our optimal diet?"
Those familiar with their work will be unsurprised to know they answered "yes" and "no" respectively. Today we bring you the articles they submitted to back up those positions. We felt it was important to present both sides of this debate and we also gave our experts the opportunity to respond to what the other wrote, and we bring you their responses to each other, too. Topics discussed include:
Whether there are any nutrients we need that we can't get from plant foodsThe evidence that animal foods are bad for usWhat our ancestors ate Whether raw vegan is the natural human dietGo here to read the article.
With our very best wishes,
The Fresh Team
A Letter to Kim K
Transitions, brokens laptops, mac & cheese, and complaining

Thursday, February 4, 2010
New D. Vitalis Stuff
This is a 9 min promo for Daniel Vitalis who will be speaking in Sacramento CA. on Feb 16th 2010 at The Art Of Food Restaurant located at 1825 Del Paso Blvd. Sacramento CA. 95815 from 6:30pm to approx 8:00pm. For more details email me at
Also see details of this event on my Events Calendar page at
Daniel Vitalis will explore *Why we are the only species confused about what to eat and how to stay healthy *How we can use nutrition to assist personal evolution. *The critical missing piece of the dietary puzzle that all nutrition books, diet lifestyles and health gurus Don't Know! *What is Human Domestication and what effect is it having on our health and the fulfillment of our life's purpose? *Use Shamanic Nutrition to rebuild yourself and your health in the age of post-industrial nutrition.
Daniel's website is