I was really geeking out when I saw these.
Seriously...the biggest smile ever on my face.
Thx to Jake at Rawutah.com for putting these up.
Im itching beyond belief to start working on my food
forest again in Minnesota. I bought a fig and a pomegranate
which I will be planting in AZ soon, but my heart is for the
space in Minnesota...its getting so close to being almost "finished".
Its been so long and my heart is bursting.
Remember my beekeeping vid?
Those girls nailed me, and they were an aggressive hive.
Even the docile hive in Noniland got David right away.
My cacao got its first split after about 3 months.
I bought it in Miami in March 09 and it split by July.
I miss her :(
I totally geeked out when I saw all the baby cacao trees.
Big props to David and Ra for spreading this energy.