Friday, January 29, 2010
No More Gym
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
and clear just two hours before. Other jets in the sky
put out no trail, but obviously these were.)
this um..."phenomena" up until about a year ago.
Maybe the idea that the government was spraying heavy
metals on the population was a bit too "Evil Empire - Sci Fi" to me.
I mean...seriously, how crazy of a scenario is that?
Well, with plain logic and some investigation,
one can come to their own conclusions.
Im not looking to stick my neck out and saying that they are real,
I dont feel like becoming a target even though Im a small fish to fry.
I simply feel that I can pass on the info and let others dive in.
What do you think about this?
Too crazy to be real?
Too damn obvious to be NOT real?
Check out some videos and judge for yourself.
Sorry if this really bums you out.
Check out the videos below.
This video right above is the definitive video to really
get the scoop on what might be going on.
Check out for more links and photos.
Again...sorry if this really f-ed your day up :(
Monday, January 25, 2010
Groupies? Come on now...
came from my "fatisfied" post a week ago.
I ended up reading some of it and I thank all the positive souls
for being open-minded and being nice enough to defend my honor!
Hahaha...oh man the ego was bruised!
All kidding aside, people's actions speak for themselves.
I mostly get upset when judgmental folks refer to rawmodel
readers as groupies, as if they are hanging on to every word
of these ramblings....that just insults everyone, especially the person
speaking that groupie nonsense.
People want to call themselves 'experts' and its totally
true that many of us have had WAY too much time on our
hands and have been able to pick up some solid info and
experience along the way. I never claimed to be an expert.
Im just another soul on the path towards all of you are.
I put up my experience in hopes that it might help other people.
The dairy board hasnt paid me anything (I discourage factory farming
and non-grass fed products so those guys would not be a fan of mine)
and Im just reporting from what Ive gone through.
When people attack my character it just makes others
wonder if their diet has something to do with such harsh words.
I honestly feel sorry for those who live in such a mindset.
Its soul-numbing enough to read, let alone to actually live
in such a judgmental and negative emotional space.
Im living my life, sharing whats coming my way.
If you find some value from the people Ive learned from
(after all, like everyone, I repeat information Ive heard,
YET...I experiment with it myself and simply report how I feel)
then...AWESOME. Im glad its working for you,
and based on the comments everything seems to be clicking nicely.
You ALL know better than to listen to the ramblings of some
male model (of all things...heavens) with no formal nutritional
training. Although, I had to make things work because of my job
and maybe thats what sets me apart...oh right, and results help too.
I limited myself to the raw vegan paradigm, and as long as
I stuck my head in vegan-sand everything made sense.
Sure, some person's teeth were rotting and sure that person
looked all ragged and stripped out, but damn,
That is, until I was blessed enough to hear some other viewpoints
and then make the unbiased decision for myself.
I simply bring some other viewpoints and let people decide.
This is one opinion, why trash it just because its not yours?
Ive felt GREAT on low fat raw vegan but it didnt last forever.
My teeth would start to hurt and I got some cavities.
And of course, constant eating and always thinking about food
and being so bipolar and judgmental towards nice people.
What am I supposed to do, keep doing the same thing?
Thank you ALL for your positive energy,
Im in a really good emotional space right now and I have
all of your good vibes to add to it.
Even the meanies...they act as a mirror and teach us
compassion and open-mindedness.
Im on the computer about 30 min a day and LOVING IT.
Maybe all these folks getting worked up about food
should consider a little less computer time.
The fact that we can simply CHOOSE what we eat
is a luxury beyond 95% of the world's population.
We are really a bunch of spoiled modern humans with too much
free time and too much choice! lets not get so worked
up about food! Lets cover the basics and get some exercise and fresh air.
Here are some cornerstones that one can gravitiate
1. Whole unprocessed foods. This is pretty much 90% of people's problem.
2. Fermented foods. This would take care of so much illness.
3. Low Sugar. Low sugar. Low sugar. Play with stevia and use
HQ sweeteners when needed and treat fruit as a treat not a staple.
4. Highly mineralized sea veggies and leafy greens.
5. If no longer vegan - grass fed and wild animal products.
6. Make some exceptions for heaven's sake. Its just one meal!
Much love and endless thanks,
Anthony (a marginally attractive male model-chocolatier LOL)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Raw Food Right Now + Rawmodel

And all those tiny vanilla seeds...YUM!)
And I thought I wasnt a foodie anymore!
check it out HERE.
The comments are great.
Thanks you two for the link up!
A Question from S...
Here's another question.
What he says right off I dont agree with. Im a bit nuts.
I feel like you are the only sane person in the "raw" community.
Everyone has there own way & everyone else is 100% wrong.
I feel so lost...I keep bouncing between raw and cooked.
I want to heal my body but keep being told that cooked food,
even if its healthy can not heal the body.
Here is how I would like to eat:
Breakfast: Green Juice, No Fruit.
Lunch: Wild Fish & Steamed Vegetables w/ a tablespoon of coconut oil.
Dinner: Wild Sardines & Steamed/Baked/Roasted Vegetables
I totally vibe with being a Pescatarian (only eat fish/seafood), no fruit, no grain.
Just Seafood & vegetables....
It vibes with me, and seafood is easier for the body to break down.
I just vibe with the oil in the fish, while chicken or beef feel like a brick in my stomach.
I just feel healthy eating this way, but am constantly told that I am wrong on my beliefs.
I am told its 100% raw or nothing. Can my above diet heal and keep me healthy?
Please help me, you have given me such great advice in the past -
"there is little sugar in nature and most grains would never
survive without constant human protection".
Who says 100% raw or nothing?
Juliano? A role-model if there ever was one!
I mix it up all the time and its fine for me. Who knows.
What I know is that I actually report from my experience
instead of simply repeating what some raw guru said.
We owe that to ourselves at the very least!
Sure, youre diet is a bit fish heavy,
and I would search for varieties that are low in heavy metals.
Its more than I'm willing to play around with,
and I would support organic fish farmers instead possibly.
Do you ethically vibe with the diet?
If youre of Northern Euro descent, I would look into
grass-fed dairy, preferably raw. Brisling Sardines are cool too.
When I have all that in my system, digestion is so simple
and I actually end up eating way less because Im satisfied.
Its great to get those grains minimized!
I occasionally have some, but its 1% compared to my old self.
I actually ended up at an italian restaurant last night and
had white bread with olive oil and Parmesan cheese!
Sure, I wouldnt go out looking for that, but I ended up
there with friends, made an exception for the evening,
Its all about what you do MOST of the time I feel.
I would freak out so much about not making any exceptions,
and it ruined my social life and made many others not want to spend
time with me because they felt judged or thought I had
some sort of a superiority complex (which I sort of did).
I eat raspberries now, maybe an odd piece of fruit.
If I go to SE asia or the tropics, Ill be all over the fruit again.
Im just tired of apples and pears.
Ive been eating some fun citrus lately though, but maybe one
piece a day max? Its so much less than before and I feel just fine.
I had an egg-cream smoothie for breakfast,
a hunk of cheese on my way to the airport,
some coconut kefir, and an avocado.
Oh right...and some chips and guacamole.
And a beer....with a lemon! A lemon!
I think there are so many wise people in the community,
and we are all getting sharper everyday because we are always
exposed to new revelations thru this wonderful creation called
the internet...praise the heavens for the internet.
Low sugar seems to be the way to go,
but keep playing around and see how you feel.
Listen to the cravings and pay attention to whats going in.
Liquify the diet when you can, your digestion will thank you.
Peace and thx!
A Question (of sorts) from R...
Or your former-self?
I get these questions all the time,
so please shower me with pity!
Hi Anthony!
Hmm Got a good question which I always forget:
How long does it take care to eat then to manage (or separately) all your raw foods per day?
I guess to be more specific: How long to eat, how long to manage (grow/water/cut/maintain) all your greens/veggies/anything you grow per day? Like, I'm guessing you make one tray of wheatgrass per day with 1 1/2 cups seeds unsprouted.
Total it takes me 2-3 hours per day to manage everything, and so far I have been doing (unsprouted) 1 cup garbanzo sprouts, 1/3 cup mung sprouts, 1/6th cup alfalfa, broccoli, radish sprout mix, 1/6th cup clover leaf sprouts, 1/2 cup kamut/spelt sprouts, 1/8th cup almonds, and 1/8th cup Quinoa sprouts, also will throw some flax or extra virgin olive oil/ onions to top it off. Will eat 2 avocados, 2 bananas, and a green smoothie (about 8-10 ounces of a mix of kale, spinach, carrot, tomato, swiss chard, celery, radish, and more) per day. Sometimes I cheat when I am not so hungry and eat less, sometimes will add a few strawberries/mangoes to the mix.
For my outside growing, I grow one tray of wheatgrass (1 1/2 cup unsprouted seeds) per every other day (going to increase to every day), and same amount of black oil sunflower seeds into one tray, and same with pea sprouts. I am about to stop pea greens, and just resume to eating sunflower baby greens. I eat and juice half a tray of wheatgrass per day, which yields about a total of 3 ounces or sometimes 4, and then eat half a tray of baby sunflower greens. That's my routine now. Been doing it for 3 weeks, I just feel like crud, have gotten more pimples and detox symptoms that I read online. So waiting for that 1-2 month detox period to be over.
All this takes me between 2-3 hours, and I'm getting faster every day I notice.
Don't forget to hook me up with your schedule with timing so that I can compare and do the best I can in mine.
Thanks for all your inspiration so far Anthony,
This takes me back to a time when I was REALLY thinking allot
about food...quantities, time frames...all that (fun?) stuff.
I dont do wheatgrass anymore. I probably would if I had the space,
but the grass-fed cream has me so satisfied and its a lot easier to drink.
Hahahahahah. I mean...WAY easier. Oh mercy so much easier.
I would just grow wheatgrass for my goat and then milk her.
I used to drink so much of that wheatgrass, and I did feel really good,
but I have to weigh the balance of what it takes to get the goods
and the feelings I get from it. The grass-fed cream and butter
just cut out all that labor (for me at least) and its way more satisfying.
All the it if you feel.
Sprouts are fun, and although its been awhile since I ate a bunch,
I do value them highly. I guess it boils down to the time/space issue.
If I were in your situation Id be flushing out my colon.
That diet is really cleansing and your skin is dealing with the detox!
Enemas and hopefully colonics! I was pumping so much fiber
through my body the first two weeks of my raw journey
that I had no real detox problems. Fiber is a tool to be used to cleanse!
My diet is fairly low fiber now, and I love it, but at the time it was
really useful and crucial to cleaning me out properly.
I should have bit the bullet and got a colonic, but I heard
all the negative propaganda and it misinformed me for two years.
But honestly...reading this question exhausted me.
I just feel the obsession (?) when it comes to food oozing through the screen.
Let the numbers go and just eat some clean food and get on with life.
2-3 hours farting around with food! Oh heavens now!
Make it simple my friend! Get on with it!
And cheating with mangoes and strawberries isnt cheating!
Enjoy life!
Nothing but love!
Project Camelot Interviews David Icke
I love the responses, and seriously,
I learned so many things.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to this one,
I think its a big key that most of us havent had a chance
to really tune into yet because of fear or just so much sugar around.
Carboterians beware! Thy days are numbered!!!
Oh right! And nooo hard feelings to those still
riding happily on the vegan train. I had some GOOD times
on that wagon, and I dont blame you for riding it out.
Don't let some crazy male model of all people convince you otherwise!
That being said...Ive been where you are, and looking back
I feel that I wish I would have come to my current place
much...MUCH earlier. All is well. Thats my story.
Things change...things evolve. Such is life.
Moving on from food this time, here is a great interview
with Mr David Icke. I love his message, and his heart
is really in the right place in my opinion.
His story is GREAT. GREAT.
Check it out if you have the time. Seriously.
Ill be posting more tonight because I can finally hook up
this computer to the internet. So maybe we'll get a few in
before I have to sleep...Im in Milwaukee shooting a job.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Fatisfied...SOOOO fatisfied.
I was.
Monday, January 11, 2010
The Decade to Rebuild Paradise
At last, the first decade of the 21st century has ended.
What has changed? What has accelerated?
Seriously...its been the most amazing decade of my life,
and the most scary as well, mostly because I finally woke up.
Where was I ten years ago?
I was just another college student, doing the rounds
and hoping to land some crap corporate job after graduation.
I really had bought into our cultural myths for 22 years,
and although I knew something was amiss,
I was basically going along with the program.
It wasnt until I disconnected myself with the distractions
did my truth (possibly not yours) begin to sink in.
What was I doing on this planet? What was the point of all this?
When I was 22 I sat at home and thought about myself
as an old man dying in bed. What would I value?
What would I remember? What would I regret?
Would I be happy with my life if I dedicated it to a corporation?
Somehow along the way I came up with this idea
that I still cling to ferociously today.
*We are here to create Heaven on Earth*
*This planet is #1 our playground, and #2 our workshop*
*we are here to destroy the barriers between Earth and Heaven
by personally creating Heaven in every aspect in our own lives*
I know you all love pics, and there are some coming up,
but Im posting from my friend's computer so stick with me.
So how do we create Heaven here and now?
Perhaps living as if you are an angel?
Hint hint everyone...we ARE Angels.
Perhaps rebuilding the paradise that our ancestors destroyed?
Making each day blissful and completely full of love without judgment?
When I was living in
no internet, no cell phone, no mp3 player,
I somehow came up with the idea to build a sanctuary that would
allow my friends and family to have a place of refuge to pursue
their passions and their artistic abilities without fear of starving
or eviction. I found that the true treasure was free time to create.
Only later did it become a plan of long-term thriving
and path to freedom. I just wanted a place where everyone could
be themselves and not worry about the things that drag most people down.
Little did I know it then, but this was the idea that I still believe
can free us and our decendants and rebuild paradise lost.
I didnt know about Anastasia till 4 years later,
but maybe she sent the idea to me.
Or maybe it just came to me because of my lack of distractions?
I truly believe it was the second.
That this truth can come to us all if we clear out the clutter.
This is the decade for massive change.
If its not this decade, I honestly cant imagine which would be.
But we must act out of love and not fear...right?
As the old saying goes, "Trust in God but still tie up your camel".
And if shit doesnt hit the fan? And you still built your own personal
Guess what? Youre still living in
yourself and your family from the corporate food chain,
and possibly even created many new revenue
streams to support your family and your adventures.
So you really can't lose.
Eat the best food ever, live in paradise, save money, earn extra money.
Did I mention that you get to live in a paradise that you built yourself?
I laid in bed on Dec 27th and was asking the "Universe"

Looking downward to your right side?

A mirror image. I have both peices still.
What do you think it looks like?
My eyes popped out of my head and my jaw dropped
when I realized that it um...REALLY resembled the Virgin Mary.
Now now…don’t assume that I buy into Christian dogma,
but this REALLY looked like her.
(And NO there will be no virgin mary trinkets being sold by me)
I rushed down and grabbed my dad.
He was in the middle of lunch but I dragged him up to see
this and his reply was –
“Um….I guess it looks like her”.
And this happened the morning after I asked for a sign.
Look at the aura coming off of her head,
leading to that star…its just too much...right?
This is the heartwood of a tree...not a stain or watermark.
And then later that day I saw the letter "V" everywhere.
Was it a random split in the wood?
Anything is possible.
Or did the blessed mother of the ascended master Jesus,
visit my space and show her approval?
Anything is possible.
Ill take it as a sign that things are going well
and that I should keep spreading this message.
This is the decade to build your own
And remember, I had to start from scratch,
and did about 95% of the labor on my own.
If you have a backyard
and a house youre 75% set already,
so dont be discouraged at all!!
Im so over people pointing out problems.
Problems depress people.
Problems depressed me for years.
I was so angry at all the wrong things.
And that anger just paralyzed me.
I rented "The 11th Hour" the other day.
I just watched the section titled "SOLUTIONS"
and then put it back in the mail.
We all know things are other than optimal.
But we must stop bogging ourselves down with negativity.
Solutions. Positive solutions.
If we aren’t having a blast building heaven on earth,
This is seriously the most selfish thing we can do.
Lets take it to a new level this year and the following years to come.
You don’t have to save anyone else.
Take care of you and yours first and everything will fall into place.
Build paradise and your diet will fall into place.
Build paradise and your exercise routine will fall into place.
Build paradise and your soul and heart will fall into place.
This post has gone on WAY too long I feel.
Im doing a talk about this in NYC this Sunday.
And my good friend Jade will be leading a Kundalini Yoga Session.
Finally I can talk about something other than food!
Well kind of…food forests! Damn….hard to escape I guess.
Please contact me at if you are interested.
Its going to go about 3 hours, and including the truffles it will
be $30 and that will be going to building a sacred space in
this upcoming year. I urge you to attend to get on the fast track
towards building your own little Garden of Eden.
We didn’t get kicked out of paradise.
We cut it down ourselves and planted annual monocultures.
We can undo this NOW. I urge you to free yourself
and heal your own motherland by creating Heaven on Earth.
2010…we will outshine and outplant the bums
that got us into this mess. We can do this.
This is our time. Our year. Our century.
The people that continue to put us and leave us
in this purgatory (many times Hell for many people)
know that this is coming and that is why they are stepping
up their game big time. We must overpower their fear and hate
with pure love and co-creation.
People are waking up. The time is now.