(Hemp Butter, Wild Honey, Maca, Mesquite, Cat's Claw, Astragalus Powder,
Hawthorn Berry Powder, Barberry Root Bark Powder)
Hawthorn Berry Powder, Barberry Root Bark Powder)
Most of us are now familiar with the term "Superfood Smoothie".
Its become quite a common term in the raw food world, and for good reason.
You get a substantial amount of high energy superfoods, packed with vitamins,
minerals, and amino acids...all broken down to a smooth consistency for
easy absorption. Pretty nice, right?
Usually we have our base liquid, whether it be coconut water, an herbal tea,
straight H20, or even coffee for those who still partake.
We add in our nuts and oils...usually whatever you happen to fancy at the time.
I'm a strong proponent of hemp oil and hemp butter,
yet sometimes I'll simply do coconut butter all by its glorious self.
Perhaps a sweetener? Raw Honey (Raw Beegans Unite!), Agave Nectar,
Yacon Root syrup, or maybe stevia if thats what your feeling great on right now...
I've been doing the standard for quite a while now.
Maca, Cacao, Goji, Mesquite, Vitamineral Green, and Cinnamon.
It fills me up, and I can go for well over half a day without even thinking about
consuming anything else...thats how nourished your body feels because of this.
After listening to Daniel Vitalis and David Wolfe about herbs lately,
I decided that it was time to take another step forward.
I want to throw in powerful herbs and dried wild greens into my smoothie.
I started with Ho Shou Wu which I bought in Hong Kong. Here is what it looks like:

Otherwise known as Fo-Ti (TEE).
I then did a massive order from Mountain Rose Herbs and picked up items like:

Astragalus Root Powder, Sorrel Sheep Powder, Barberry Root Bark Powder,
Irish Moss, Icelandic Moss, Pau D'Arco, Cat's Claw, Horsetail Powder,
Hawthorn Berry Powder, Cedar Tips and Berries (read Anastasia!),
Dried Nettle Leaves, Dried Birch Leaves, Kelp Powder,
and a few others.
Most of these items are wildharvested and all are organic.

What do you think? Why not UPGRADE??? I cant pick wild greens
yet because of the season, so why not at least get the
dried form and just throw them into the smoothie?

And with my vita-mix, it all turns into a very smooth
liquid or pudding...depending on how much liquid base I use.

Raw Food is personal Anarchy in the kitchen.
You get to choose what works for YOU.
There are so many options available to you, that to take the advice
of just one person and stick to that idea blindly, would be such a
disservice to yourself. You get to choose! The Guru lies within you.
Throw in some of this...add a little of that...whatever works!
My smoothie this morning was pretty bitter though (ROOT BARK....ewwww)
but a little honey or a date fixes that in no time.
Whatever youre groovin' on right now is GOLDEN. That's all there is to it.
When you know this...you will know how to make my superfood fudge.
Here's a hint though...1/2 part nuts and seeds, 1/2 part dates...maybe a little oil.
Then? ANARCHY. Don't you see? You are the creator!
My superfood recipe may soon pale in comparison to yours.
The answer lies within your heart...you already know how to make it.
You just have to remember what works for you.
You'll likely need a food processor though...can't help you with that.
Besides a high-powered blender, a food processor would be my other
essential choice for getting started with this lifestyle.
One more tip though...after making your base for the fudge,
add in everything else by hand and massage it into your base...
constantly thanking the Universe (God, Life, Energy, Love)
for everything in your life...for it all makes you stronger and wiser.
Place those feelings directly into the superfood fudge.
You simply cannot buy that in a store, EVER.
Remember...you are a perfect piece of the divine,
living this particular life in a temporary human shell.
Why not get the most out of it? You deserve nothing but the best!
The best food, the best air, the best water, the best lovers and friends.
If you believe this deep down in your heart, eating junk again
simply becomes impossible. Its about LOVE everybody.
Maybe a little junk here and there doesn't seem like a big deal...
if not, thats totally cool. It's just where Im at on my path right now.
It's all good.
Here is a quote from A Course in Miracles...the lovely Alexandra was wise
enough to put it on her Give it to Me Raw page:

Its become quite a common term in the raw food world, and for good reason.
You get a substantial amount of high energy superfoods, packed with vitamins,
minerals, and amino acids...all broken down to a smooth consistency for
easy absorption. Pretty nice, right?
Usually we have our base liquid, whether it be coconut water, an herbal tea,
straight H20, or even coffee for those who still partake.
We add in our nuts and oils...usually whatever you happen to fancy at the time.
I'm a strong proponent of hemp oil and hemp butter,
yet sometimes I'll simply do coconut butter all by its glorious self.
Perhaps a sweetener? Raw Honey (Raw Beegans Unite!), Agave Nectar,
Yacon Root syrup, or maybe stevia if thats what your feeling great on right now...
I've been doing the standard for quite a while now.
Maca, Cacao, Goji, Mesquite, Vitamineral Green, and Cinnamon.
It fills me up, and I can go for well over half a day without even thinking about
consuming anything else...thats how nourished your body feels because of this.
After listening to Daniel Vitalis and David Wolfe about herbs lately,
I decided that it was time to take another step forward.
I want to throw in powerful herbs and dried wild greens into my smoothie.
I started with Ho Shou Wu which I bought in Hong Kong. Here is what it looks like:
Otherwise known as Fo-Ti (TEE).
I then did a massive order from Mountain Rose Herbs and picked up items like:
Astragalus Root Powder, Sorrel Sheep Powder, Barberry Root Bark Powder,
Irish Moss, Icelandic Moss, Pau D'Arco, Cat's Claw, Horsetail Powder,
Hawthorn Berry Powder, Cedar Tips and Berries (read Anastasia!),
Dried Nettle Leaves, Dried Birch Leaves, Kelp Powder,
and a few others.
Most of these items are wildharvested and all are organic.
What do you think? Why not UPGRADE??? I cant pick wild greens
yet because of the season, so why not at least get the
dried form and just throw them into the smoothie?
And with my vita-mix, it all turns into a very smooth
liquid or pudding...depending on how much liquid base I use.
Raw Food is personal Anarchy in the kitchen.
You get to choose what works for YOU.
There are so many options available to you, that to take the advice
of just one person and stick to that idea blindly, would be such a
disservice to yourself. You get to choose! The Guru lies within you.
Throw in some of this...add a little of that...whatever works!
My smoothie this morning was pretty bitter though (ROOT BARK....ewwww)
but a little honey or a date fixes that in no time.
Whatever youre groovin' on right now is GOLDEN. That's all there is to it.
When you know this...you will know how to make my superfood fudge.
Here's a hint though...1/2 part nuts and seeds, 1/2 part dates...maybe a little oil.
Then? ANARCHY. Don't you see? You are the creator!
My superfood recipe may soon pale in comparison to yours.
The answer lies within your heart...you already know how to make it.
You just have to remember what works for you.
You'll likely need a food processor though...can't help you with that.
Besides a high-powered blender, a food processor would be my other
essential choice for getting started with this lifestyle.
One more tip though...after making your base for the fudge,
add in everything else by hand and massage it into your base...
constantly thanking the Universe (God, Life, Energy, Love)
for everything in your life...for it all makes you stronger and wiser.
Place those feelings directly into the superfood fudge.
You simply cannot buy that in a store, EVER.
Remember...you are a perfect piece of the divine,
living this particular life in a temporary human shell.
Why not get the most out of it? You deserve nothing but the best!
The best food, the best air, the best water, the best lovers and friends.
If you believe this deep down in your heart, eating junk again
simply becomes impossible. Its about LOVE everybody.
Maybe a little junk here and there doesn't seem like a big deal...
if not, thats totally cool. It's just where Im at on my path right now.
It's all good.
Here is a quote from A Course in Miracles...the lovely Alexandra was wise
enough to put it on her Give it to Me Raw page:
"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."
Never forget this.