Thursday, July 29, 2010
Alex Jones on Food
Friday, July 23, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Sampling and Talk at Organic Avenue Aug 3rd!!
The cost? All that is required is that you purchase
Monday, July 19, 2010
A Recipe from me
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Daniel V on Tap Liquid
The Obama Deception CENSORED by Youtube.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Blackbird Naturals + Whole Foods!
Aspartame Vid
Sunday, July 11, 2010
A Question about Book Suggestions
I remember that you had a site with books listed, where did it go?
There were all kind of books like the auto-bio from that yogi P. yogananda or books about food...etc..
I kinda remeber that because of your cucumber pickle video ;)
It would be nice if you could make a list like that again!
Enjoy the summer!
Aron from Germany

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The Raw Food World + Blackbird Naturals!
has accepted our truffles into his store,
The Raw Food World. Check it out HERE.
Matt sent out a newsletter today announcing the partnership:

Many of you already know ‘The Raw Model’, Anthony Anderson. He is TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!!! He leads an EXTREMELY sustainable lifestyle, he cares PASSIONATELY about Mother Earth, he is VERY kind to those he encounters, considerate, wants to help everyone and is… well… GOOD LOOKING! Now, to top it all, Anthony and his good friends Alexandra and Andrea just came out with the MOST INCREDIBLE Raw Chocolate Truffles on the planet!!!
What I like MOST about these Chocolate Fudge Truffles, is that one of the MAIN ingredients is coconut oil. Before raw chocolate ever hit the market, using coconut oil was one IDEAL way to get that chocolate bar consistency and texture. However, many chocolatiers have since shied away from using coconut oil because it melts in the heat. However, Anthony and these Divas have found a way to utilize coconut oil as one of the main ingredients while at the same time keeping the truffles intact.
Due to the coconut oil content, it is ideal to refrigerate these truffle when you recieve them in the mail, for the ULTIMATE taste. For those of you who know Anthony Anderson, then you know that anything he creates, which people will actually be putting into their bodies, is very sacred to him, and he pours the utmost care and love into the creation of these divine truffles.
So nice of him to say all reciprocation:
I think what Matt and Angela are doing in Ecuador is
THE ANSWER to all of humanity's ills.
Sure...we dont have to necessarily go to a foreign country
to build our space of love, but maybe thats a really good idea
when you really at the geopolitical landscape.
Their Food Forest is popping and we are constantly
checking in to see garden updates from their sanctuary.
Have a blessed day you two!!
Thanks for all the love and support!
One thing Matt and Angela love about Blackbird is that we
are using it as a platform to both fund Food Forest Co-Creation
and to spread the word and joy about it.
We have used all of our profits on planting Paradise
and we urge you to do the same!
Now is the time! Look at the food supply -
especially with air being polluted in the gulf and
prices just going up for any reason they want to give us.
Growing our own is the most revolutionary thing we can do!
Blackbird salutes the Stokes-Monarch Clan!!
We hope that we can see each other's slices of heaven soon!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Sedona Spring Visit
We made our monthly trip up to Sedona to harvest
springwater....its just so magical up there!
It was pretty windy so there was no swimming
on the menu but we went to a really cool nursery
and dropped off Blackbird samples at New Frontiers Market.
We were going to eat at ChocolaTree but we were so full
from our snacks at New Frontiers that we just went
home and called it a day. We listened to some
great stuff about EMP attacks on the way home -
Look into this one everyone...if you can make it thru an
EMP you are officially a self-reliant human being.
Despite the officialness of this video,
it seems very little has ever been done to
insulate us from this potential attack (or solar flare).
Google "EMP Protection" and see what you can do to
take the next steps towards protecting yourself.
Anyhow...enjoy the Sedona video!
Alexandra is getting IMovie 09 soon
so they are going to be even better!
Check out my old vids for a good laugh!
Those vids were as rough as they come but dammit
they have heart! Gotta keep the love in it!
Big hugs everyone - have a great july!
Independence from WHAT?

I still have this shirt!
So...happy dependence day!

Dependent on?
Corporations to feed us, clothe us, give us water...
governments to tell us how society should work
and how much they take our money away for war spending...
Soldiers are being used as bio-robots in this.
The authorities always trick the masses with the
"Support our Troops" message.
The Nazis did it, the soviets did it, and the Americans do it.
Please do not ever fall for this.
Its not about troops...its about tricking the masses
into supporting the agenda of the destroyers.
When I see pics of young american men who were just killed
overseas I just feel sorry for them.
They were fooled...tricked into thinking that they
were actually doing something positive for the world
instead of being the muscle for the Illuminati.
How about - "Wake up our Troops!"?
They are being used by corporations as hired mercenaries.
I wish there was more honor in all this, but its so obvious.
The government of the united states is a mere branch
of the Corporatocracy used to legitimize plunder.
Republicans always talk about preventing big government -
what they dont add in (and no one really brings up in the media)
is that government doesnt count anymore.
Big Brother is Big Business. They call ALL the shots.
Goldman Sachs, Halliburton, Monsanto...The military industrial complex,
Coca~Cola and Nestle draining the world's water supplies
only to bottle it with sugar and make the masses sickly...
you get the point. This is the game that is being played.
We lost our independence...
and I really believe that we never really had it.
Until we can be happy and alive and healthy without
the "help" of those bastards we can forget
about freedom...its a brand name used to make
us think that we are free when 99% of us are wage slaves
and need big brother for every aspect of survival.
Sorry to seem negative (realistic?) but we must be
aware about all of this so we can take steps to liberating ourselves.
That is what Blackbird Naturals is all about.
We set up a business centered around healthy food and clean
ethics and are using all our profits to get ourselves
and other people more self-reliant and independent.
This, we believe is the path to freedom.
This is the key...set up sacred commerce
and use your funds to melt away the chains of dependence.
It all starts in the mind though, you know that.
Thought - Word - DEED.
We have to have to act.
If you want to be free that is.
Life can be comfy, and work may be easy,
but just think about the dependence on the system.
What if there is a massive solar flare and the grid is fried?
What about water and fuel shortages (both man-made and natural)?
Then what? Do you have water? Food? Where could you go?
I would highly suggest buying a 5 gal tub of organic coconut
oil and some dried herbs and superfoods from Mountain Rose Herbs
at the very least..have a little stored up to at least have a month to make it.
The coco oil is the densest form of energy that will
never seem to go rancid if stored in a cool place.
Its super affordable and a family could live months on it
if they had to...hopefully it wont have to be the case,
but with geo-political and natural forces arising, best to be safe.
I want to blow sunshine up your ass - really I do.
That's what all the positive solutions are about.
Don't get dragged down in the negative.
Get aware, make a plan of action, and GO FOR IT.
Independence has to be earned...
A bunch of suits in washington, new york, london etc
will never, ever give you the real thing.
Those bums need slaves to do their dirty work.

but i couldnt think of a better investment right now)
You have to take it for yourself. NOW.
Seedlings...buying trees, investing in good soil,
rainwater harvesting, composting, getting some animals
like chickens, rabbits, or goats to help turn scraps into
food again is a big big big step on the freedom path.
Im off to the garden to put some transplants in
and check on the little chickies!

The only independence we will enjoy is the one
we have created ourselves. Remember that always!