Wednesday, January 5, 2011

From Alexandra

From Alexandra...more to come - this is from the Replant Paradise community on Ning.
On Christmas Day we began the construction of our fenced in veggie garden!
We have had some frosts in AZ lately, so we are VERY excited to begin planting the garden this weekend.
We hope to be completely self-sufficient in 1-2 months.
Because of the recent death in our family, what was once a passion is now also very much a NECESSITY. Thank goodness for our beautiful chickens! They have been loving their time free-ranging every day in the garden, foraging for delicious bugs!
So eggs, veg, and fruit are taken care of now! Wow - the grocery bills are shrinking BIG TIME!!
Anthony, Andrea and I will film the planting of the garden. It is 16 feet by 16 feet....almost everyone can fit this into their backyard...we are also planting a few containers on the back patio. These are great for anyone who lives in an apartment.
We love it because this way we can plant up on our patios where critters wont find our delicious treats :)
Last but not least - We have been doing some major foraging lately! We found some grapefruit trees behind my bank the other day so we went back with our picker and gathered a few boxes worth. We have been juicing and mixing with our Ormus Greens and Vitamineral Green....yummm
AND Olives!!
Buckets of fresh olives from trees around the neighborhood!
We made a simple brine and placed them in the corner to ferment for a month or two...our last batch is delicious!
Yay for free food!!!
Much love to all of you here...we will pick a recipient for seeds tonight so stay posted!
