Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Lesson from Dominiq

Dominiq Li is a character...FOR SURE.
Check out her witty cartoons and posts HERE.

Im always looking out for conscious eaters who are
showing shining examples of health and physical strength.

Even if we are good about putting X or Y into our mouth,
we still have to get active if we really want to see results.

Food helps, it really does, but seriously everyone...
Lots of it, and frequently. Make it fun.
Your body and the people around you will appreciate it.

This vid above was made after four months of practice...

And this was from 4.5 months.

We've all got to step it up and get into our own
personal grooves for physical activity.
It really REALLY makes the difference.
There are many people out there that eat stricter
than me, that eat lighter or greener or whatever...
but its the consistent exercise that makes the difference.
For me...and likely for you too.

Whether its walking around the block,
doing some bicep curls while watching youtube,
or learning pole-dancing, just get on with it!

Thanks Dominiq for inspiring!
I feel like a total wimp when I watch those videos!
