Tuesday, December 2, 2008


When I get back to the states, I swear,
Im going to be uploading so much content to
make up for all these gaps.
We just spent 3 days in Amsterdam,
and arrived in Berlin this morning.

We will be back in States in Mid Dec, and
at that time I can plúg meself back into the grid
of the internet and become connected again.

Really though everyone...use your compüter effciently...
I cant begin to describe how fuller life is once we stop staring
at screens. Im a huge critic of general TV watching, and I do
see the learning potential of the internet, but geez...I was on too much.
Being that close to an EMF tranmitting machine that often...NOT GOOD.
Its AMAZING that raw people are SO about being natural and in tune,
but sit in front of these glowing boxes all day.

If the rawmodel blog gets read less frequently because more and more
readers are outside living fuller lives, then my purpose is fulfilled.

If you are ever traveling in Berlin, stay at the Wombats hostel...great private
rooms and we are staying her for 3 nights for under $130 (for the WHOLE time)...total score.
And that includes your own private bathroom...big bonus when you drink too much water before bed.

100% raw while traveling....? NO NO NO.

There was simply no way to do it, and still have a good time here. Sorry to all you purists out there drinking green powders and water while you travel. Thailand is one thing, northern Europe in Dec is quite another.

Truth be told, I feel the same. My raw diet had too much fat in it, so despite being 100%...the mental vibration was the same as me doing 75% raw now. Think about this....

My huge breakthrough with raw 4 years ago was a high green, low fat diet. This gave me energy and mental clarity like I never experienced. When I started dehydrating and eating more gourment raw foods...despite being 100%, I DID NOT FEEL THE SAME.
So if you are wondering what the raw high is really like, remember this.

When I get back home, its greens and a little fruit, and maybe just a little fat.
80-10-10 has alot of strong points to it...if they can just tone down the sugar and up the greens, Id give them a huge thumbs up.

Thanks everyone! Lots of good stuff coming!!!

