Monday, May 10, 2010

Giveaway winner...and another one - why not?

Early morning in MN...a light frost on the ground.
I left these two bottles of springwater outside to absorb
the energy of the cosmos and the chill of the night,
and it was the coldest and cleanest water I ever tasted.

Its been a bit of awhile, but Ive been in MN planting
and we've been filming like crazy people.

The winner of the latest truffle giveaway is...


Congrats! Glad you get to try them out!
We are this close to getting into Whole Foods now -
They are inspecting our kitchen in a few weeks to confirm.

We are very happy and excited to bring some freshness
and new innovative products to their shelves!

Alexandra is in the process of editing vids right now,
so hopefully we will have one uploaded on youtube today.

So...the next giveaway -

Ive raised a very healthy population of milk kefir grains,
and would love to giveaway a starter package.

One thing with freebies - they might not be cared
for as much as if someone paid for them instead.

The kefirs are a LIVING community of bacteria and yeasts.
They need love and attention.
If you want to win these, please acknowledge the fact that this
is almost like having a pet. You have to feed it fresh (GRASS FED)
milk every 24-48 hours. You have to strain it, you have to wash
out the jar so no other creepies get established in your jar.

There is a certain responsibility needed with certain foods,
and kefir is definitely one of them.

You will never have to throw them away -
On the contrary, they will grow and grow and you will
be a producer of probiotics instead of a common consumer.

The kefir starter culture packs for sale online make you a
neverending consumer. They wear out after 4-5 times.
With REAL kefir grains, you have a community that will
outlive you as long as they have fresh lactose to feed on.

If youre down for this, shoot me a comment.
Serious though, you have to put them in the fridge when
you go on vacation, or have someone look after them for you.
You have to put some TLC into this, but its SOOOO worth it.

Congrats again to NYCPari...Ill email you after this to let you
know the procedure. Hope you enjoy them.

Thanks everyone! TONS of vids coming up!
