Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Daniel Vitalis - Building up the Jing Energy

You thought camping was a bit rustic?

Without a doubt, this man has always come with integrity
and pushed the limits. Accepting no boundaries despite
the CONSTANT attacks for expanding people's horizons,
Daniel has really brought this community to the next level.

The information he has shared has literally changed my life,
and the products that he offers are some of the most potent
and effective I have ever tried...
I dont think he would release sub-par ANYTHING.

Think about this for a second - he gets a huge following in the
Raw Vegan community, and without blinking an eye he begins
to branch out and SPEAK OUT (RARE) about his new omnivorous path.

How many people would have just kept quiet in order to keep fans?
How many people would be scared of losing sales?

He left that worry to others and blazed new trails in our
community and I KNOW we are all the better for it.
who among us even had these words in our vocabulary before?

Keep up the good work Daniel! Thank you for all you do brother!
Check out the cutting edge offerings HERE and continue to
check out his great vids both HERE and HERE.

Here is a great vid with Arthur Haines

This book WILL change your life if youre ready for it.
Check it out HERE.

People will ALWAYS talk shit when you are pushing the limits -
it comes with the territory - yet the man continues to share his
knowledge and experience, and for that...huge props.
Cold weather makes one tough - NO DOUBT.
I cant wait to read this book!
