Friday, August 6, 2010

A Model For Living Talk at OA

Huge Success!
Thanks to everyone who came out and
took a huge step in creating paradise!
We had about 50 people at the event,
and everyone had their fair share of truffles,
nanking cherries, mint, sage, oregano, and seeds from
our space of love in Minnesota.

I gave out a copy of FoodMatters,
which is such an excellent and inspiring movie
that would appeal to everyone because of the high quality.
Check out the trailer - if there was one vid I could show newbies
this would clearly be the one so far.

I spoke for a solid 2 hours and when I looked at the clock
I simply couldn't believe that the time went by that fast.

Its like that in the garden too...time flies. Good sign.

Thanks again to Mia and everyone at Organic Avenue for
your support in our vision and helping to spread to word!!

This was the first of many!!
Spreading this message is my purpose...
feels great to be in the flow.
