Wednesday, May 19, 2010 review of Blackbird's Truffles

(photos from

Philip of gave the most creative
and thoughtful review this morning...

Read it HERE

Thanks so much brother!
When I was reading it, I was like -

"Man, Philip is really writing well" lol

Anyhow, there was a comment about all Raw Food
websites are all geared towards SELLING stuff.

Here it is, and Philip and Alexandra's (Blackbird Goddess)
response to the comment.

  • Why is it that nearly every raw food website is either pimping a product or trying to sell you some program.

    Kind of sad really. It isn't so much about the life - it's about the dollar. Buy my stuff or buy my friend's stuff.
  • Is that the way you see it? I have a friend that is an author, or owns a company... of course I am going to support them. Don't we all support those that we love?

    We only see a reflection of ourselves, Truth.
  • Of course we support small conscious businesses trying to make a difference. If we didn't we might be eating Hershey's and Big Macs ;)

    The best part- Blackbird's profits go towards building an edible food forest and community garden (in fact 100% of the profits so far)!

    Philip, Thanks for your support and believing in our truffles. We cant wait to try a recipe from Raw Food Fast Food...looks amazing by the way!!

    Truth...I used to be like you. At least on this topic.
    "Everyone wasnt doing it for the love,
    they were always selling something...
    They probably arent even RAW...just salespeople!"
    Lets just say I had some angst as a early-20 something...
    People were damn sellouts and idiots that didnt
    even know how to friggin eat correctly...right?
    Maybe this was caused by a low fat diet? Well....
    In reality, I read allot of angry literature that was based
    mostly on being AGAINST something and really
    focused on all the negative crap out there.
    The deeper I went into my diet,
    and the more people I exposed myself to as a student,
    (and not a teacher that had to drop knowledge on them)
    the more I realized that...
    An entrepreneur is really a free-range animal.
    Factory Farms? Feedlots? Um...not anymore.
    I feel there is a correlation -
    The better you eat -
    The more your mind breaks free from societal conditioning -
    So...the quicker you take your destiny into your own hands
    and become an entrepreneur involved in Conscious Commerce.
    How many organic cacao growers are supported by our community?

    People who eat clean seem to have a strong likelihood
    of becoming of course they will use
    to help promote their very small homegrown business.
    "What friggin sellouts! How dare they!?
    Get back to the office!
    Stop offering products and services that are
    conscious and healthy and that help people!"

    So far, more than 100% of our profits
    have gone into promotion and planting
    organic gardens and food forests.
    So....we should stop being capitalists?
    I want to live in a world where money wasnt even needed,
    but right here and now, we need $$$ to help free
    ourselves from the deep dependency on
    fossil fuels and government services.
    If we choose to make conscious chocolate and
    offer coaching and edible reforestation projects,
    whats really so wrong with that?

    A big thanks and much respect for Philip and Alexandra
    for shining their light. What a beautiful example
    of consciousness that you both!
