Monday, April 21, 2008

Why Bother? This is why...

I recently read an article in the NY Times forwarded to me by a friend,

it talked about going green, and if it more for feeling better about ourselves

since everything is being cancelled out by carbon guzzling newcomers

like China and India. If the troubles are even worth going through.

Here is the link, I would highly recommend reading it to accompany this post.

The main point was...WHY BOTHER?

This is why I am creating my eco-project...

At first it was just to have a sanctuary where I could
rid myself of bills and live the easy life with loved ones.

Then I started reading about carbon footprints and peak oil.
Everything I wanted to do, was totally beneficial in these areas.
I would be growing my own food and producing my own energy.

Then I started learning about the life-force in plants,
and how homegrown plants are FAR superior to store bought organics.

So by reducing my carbon footprint, I am allowing myself
to have the best and cleanest possible produce, I am ridding myself of nearly
all of the common expenses that afflict most people in the western world,
and I dont have to slave away at a job I dont like because my
lifestyle revolves around more simpler activities which dont cost anything.

Dont get me wrong...this project is going to cost alot.
But nowhere near as much as if I wanted to buy some standard box house
and drive a fancy car around and go grocery shopping every couple of days.

There are more up-front costs, but after that it should be smooth sailing.
By doing this project I hope to show that by reducing our carbon footprint,
its better for our bodies, minds, souls, and wallets.

We are the Earth. What is good for the mother, is good for the kids.

Here is an excerpt from that article:

A great many things happen when you plant a vegetable garden, some of them directly related to climate change, others indirect but related nevertheless. Growing food, we forget, comprises the original solar technology: calories produced by means of photosynthesis. Years ago the cheap-energy mind discovered that more food could be produced with less effort by replacing sunlight with fossil-fuel fertilizers and pesticides, with a result that the typical calorie of food energy in your diet now requires about 10 calories of fossil-fuel energy to produce. It’s estimated that the way we feed ourselves (or rather, allow ourselves to be fed) accounts for about a fifth of the greenhouse gas for which each of us is responsible.

Yet the sun still shines down on your yard, and photosynthesis still works so abundantly that in a thoughtfully organized vegetable garden (one planted from seed, nourished by compost from the kitchen and involving not too many drives to the garden center), you can grow the proverbial free lunch — CO2-free and dollar-free. This is the most-local food you can possibly eat (not to mention the freshest, tastiest and most nutritious), with a carbon footprint so faint that even the New Zealand lamb council dares not challenge it. And while we’re counting carbon, consider too your compost pile, which shrinks the heap of garbage your household needs trucked away even as it feeds your vegetables and sequesters carbon in your soil. What else? Well, you will probably notice that you’re getting a pretty good workout there in your garden, burning calories without having to get into the car to drive to the gym. (It is one of the absurdities of the modern division of labor that, having replaced physical labor with fossil fuel, we now have to burn even more fossil fuel to keep our unemployed bodies in shape.) Also, by engaging both body and mind, time spent in the garden is time (and energy) subtracted from electronic forms of entertainment.

Even if my actions have NO effect on reducing the climate crisis,
it is still totally beneficial and self-serving to do it anyways.
Lets face it people...we are facing a major sh*t-storm soon because
of the way our society has been (dis)functioning for the past 200 years.

Food costs rising, fuel costs skyrocketing, civilization shutting down
because of limited fossil fuels, good old global warming,
deforestation, economic crisis, and all the health issues going on.

This model for living protects the people involved from most, if not all of it.
Of course if the Earth becomes barren then we are all screwed, but I doubt
civilization will still be around long enough to make that happen.

Even if you are totally selfish...this is the best way to structure your life.
Its funny how the true "self" is actually the whole.

Changing your light bulbs will do more for yourself and the Earth.
Things are getting bad...start preparing yourself now.

Umm....Happy Earth Day?



Anonymous said...

Ha awesome! I was saying the same thing last night about how pissed I was that people like Al Gore try to make us think that changing a light bulb or driving a hybrid will have an impact.

I cant stand how the green movement has turned into our new religion. If we really wanted to affect change we would go after the big oil companies...seriously why hasn't that been done yet.....

Remember the Live Earth Global Warming concerts a few years back? They were put on by David de Rothschild and were the largest coming together to "Save the Earth" in history.

David de Rothschild of the Rothschild banking Family....hmmmm

Anthony, keep on rocking out!!

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your posts for a while and I find them entirely inspiring. I grew up on a small little farm in New Jersey. My grandparent's had a vegetable garden and we had our own nature made barrier around the house that was filled with raspberries and blackberries. I use to pick them and eat them straight off the branch. I think growing up in such a natural, country-esque environment is what makes eating raw feel so "right" for me. I was never a processed food kid and I am lucky to have found raw food at 22 and previous vegan food at 19 -- so my body hasn't been totally obliterated by deadness. Anyway, I am enlightened by your permaculture project and when I get older, I really want to do something just like this. If not have a yurt of my own then at least an expansive garden and fruit trees. I watched Zeitgiest this weekend and after seeing that and what is instore for our world, coupled with the rising oil prices - I feel that it is ever more important for people to be self-sustainable. I live in NYC too, and so I find it hard to really be sustainable however I am as eco-friendly as I possibly can be outside of growing my own food. Anyway, thanks for the inspiration.

P.S. Isn't Bonobos the best!!!!?

Unknown said...

Love the post Anthony! I can't wait to come visit. We definitely don't get much in the way of that here. Love what you're doing!!

Come visit!!


Anonymous said...

Hello. My friend who is a raw foodist mentioned her concerns about the economy the other day. We are all concerned about our survival and some environmental impacts. The reason why this country seems like it suffers sometimes is because of a lack of community. The powers that be want us all to be seperate from one another so that they can keep us in line. ("divide and conquer")

I believe that what will protect us from a failing economy and other problems is not only sustainable living but strong bonds within a community. People always worry about getting a better paying job. But there aren't any gaurentees. People underestimate the power of networking and building strong bonds with others.

I feel like even in th raw foods community we still carry the same mindset of me versus us. I think it's vital that as a community we become more unified. We can assist one another in solidifying a prosperous future and maintain our resilience to natural forces.
